fredag 14 augusti 2009

girls night

Yesterday was a pretty slackery-day, I was sitting home pretty much all day, just went out on a long walk with Sadie and then I read Harry Potter.

Later on the evening, Vince and Nancy would be going to bible-studies so they dropped me off at the Meints and then me and Alex and her friend Devon went to a have dinner at a place called Kaffe-something.. There we met their friend Anna. They were all so sweet and fun and we had lots of fun! There was a woman sitting next to us at the resturant who looked really annoyed when I tried to teach the girls to speak Swedish. She was probably trying to have a nice, romantic dinner at a not so romantic-resturant, Alex's mom said when we told her.
When we had eaten, Alex's brother Cass picked us up and we listened to The All-American Rejects and we sang along loudly to Move along, people gave us weird looks when we passed them by. Then we bought yoghurt-ice cream. You would take a little box and you filled it with as much ice cream and toppings as you wanted for like 3 dollars (20 kronor typ). Then we went to Anna's place and made brownies, ate Uncrustables (white bread with peanut butter and jelly) and other sweets. Then we went into Anna's hot-tub!! We were sitting there, outside, watching the stars and talking about life. These girls were so funny and I laughed all the time. Then we decided we should watch The Strangers, so we did and yeah, it was scary even though I've seen it before. Then we started watching Say anything, but I fell asleep, and then we went to bed!

Today I've been to the mall with Alex and her mom. I bought a pair of Vans , nice huh?

Devon, me, Alex and Anna!

Alex, maker of the failed brownie... xD

My new vans, 40 dollars! That's like 280 kronor.

5 kommentarer:

Enannan sa...

Öhh, den där kakan hade du gjort bättre - queen of sötsaker :D

Snygga skor!

mirrrrr sa...

Ahhh nu fick jag en sakna-attack när jag såg bilderna på dig :((((((((( hur många grader har ni egentligen? Kan inte fatta att biblestudies är en vanlig aktivitet i USA. Ganska annorlunda mot sverige ändå. B)

D sa...

Vi har typ 35 grader pa dagen, men natt och morgon ar KALLT. Nej, det ar valdigt annorlunda pa manga satt! Det ar intressant att hora pa nar folk pratar om hur viktigt det ar att ha en shotgun sa att de kan skydda sig. for det ar viktigt. ingen vagar ga ut pa kvallarna, alla aker bil jamt, overallt. jag hor polisbilar typ 3-4 ganger varje timme, sa jag forstar anda varfor folk ar radda! tjejen som jag trffade berattade att hon aldrig akt buss har ens, for att det ar konstiga manniskor som aker buss bara.

Saknar er bada

Unknown sa...

Vad kul att du fått så många nya vänner så snabbt! :) Du verkar ha rrålllligtttt. OCH SKORNA!!! precis såna jag vill ha. Avis! huuhu. Här kostar dom 600! cheisse.

- sa...

Du är lätt snyggast av allihopa. Precis som Mirjam fick jag en sakna-attack. Fan vad killarna kommer att slåss om dig!